Connect your Oracle NetSuite ERP with your legacy systems and applications of your choice.


Oracle NetSuite - SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services

The SOAP web services platform provides programmatic access to Oracle NetSuite data and business processes through an XML-based application programming interface (API). Generally speaking, the SOAP web services platform has the following characteristics:

  • SOAP-encoded Web Services – The Platform uses SOAP-based web services with document-style or Doc-style encoding. Doc-style encoding consists of message-oriented exchanges in which an XML schema specified in the SOAP message defines the structure of any messages sent between two applications. RPC exchanges are not supported.

  • HTTPS Transport – Currently the only supported transport is HTTPS as defined in the WSDL document.

Oracle NetSuite - SuiteTalk REST Web Services

NetSuite REST web services provide an integration pipeline that extends SuiteTalk capabilities. REST web services provide a REST-based interface for interacting with NetSuite.

By using REST web services, you can:

  • Use CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations to perform business processing on Oracle NetSuite records and dynamically navigate between records.

  • Get and process API to record metadata.

  • Run queries against Oracle NetSuite logs.

ACS Generic Restlet

Aiming to facilitate integration between the Oracle NetSuite platform and other applications, Active CS developed the ACS Generic Restlet product, which is nothing more than an API (Application Programming Interface) with a set of routines standardized in the REST (Representational State) architecture. Transfer – Representational State Transfer).

Generic Restlet allows you to create, update, and query any record on the Oracle NetSuite platform. In other words, with this product it is possible to send from any application, in JSON format, all types of NetSuite records that allow manipulation via API, such as: Customers, Suppliers, Employees, Transactions, Custom Records, etc.

The product includes the following methods:


The GET method is used when there is a need to obtain a resource or a list of resources. When executing the GET method under a resource, a representation will be returned by the server.


We use the POST method when we want to create some resource on the server from a certain representation.



Similar to the POST method, the basic idea of the PUT method is to allow a resource to be updated on the server.