Explore our innovation partners ready to add extra power to your NetSuite solution.


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Our partners add significant value to our portfolio and that of our clients. Whether you are looking for a native NetSuite application, a compatible product, or a trusted partner with deep technology expertise, our strategic partnerships to help you shape the future of your cloud solution.

Parceiros Estratégicos


On-Demand Software Factory

Fábrika is an innovative company, a software factory, service, and technological solutions provider. Our biggest differentiator is the ability to think TECHNOLOGY considering the reality of each client. With a focus on building consistent and innovative journeys, our specialized teams work from defining digital strategies to implementing customized solutions ideal for each type of business.



Tax Solution & Content

Avalara offers a software cloud platform and professional services aimed at tax management that provides improved governance, reduced tax risk, automation of tax operations, and assists in the correct compliance with Brazilian obligations. Its portfolio brings together solutions for transactional tax calculation, generation of electronic documents, tax content, auditing, monitoring, and compliance of ancillary tax obligations, electronic data interchange (EDI), verification tools for electronic communication to Brazilian tax authorities (SPED), and business process outsourcing (BPO), being the first complete provider of tax management solutions in the SaaS (Software as a Service) model that covers all tax compliance requirements in Brazil.


Tax Solution & Content

Sovos is a global company capable of meeting your tax and regulatory compliance needs wherever you do business. We believe that taxes should never be an obstacle to the success of companies. Whether your goal is greater efficiency or growth, we provide tools and services to improve processes and improve your operations.


Payroll and HR

Our products and services aim to eliminate all the red tape in the HR area, optimize processes and routines, disseminate, and implement new processes that facilitate the areas in a more individualized way. All this care for people can be seen through the services and through the software that has an intuitive and friendly interface.


Data, Cookies and Privacy Police

We use cookies to offer you a better experience, improve performance, analyze how you interact with our website and personalize content. By using this website, you agree to the use of cookies and our privacy policy. Read more.